Transport Management

Suncorp Stadium's Transport Management Plan (TMP) addresses the additional pedestrian and general traffic and local traffic issues in and around the Stadium on event days and was prepared following consultations with key stakeholders, including local residents and businesses.

It's key objectives are to:

  • maximise public transport use for travel to and from the Stadium, and actively discourage reliance on private car travel;
  • minimise the risk of local and regional traffic disturbance and public transport operations before, during and after events;
  • safeguard local residents and businesses from the effects of undesirable crowd and traffic intrusion before and after events;
  • minimise the risk to public safety within the Stadium and on the plazas and walkways serving the Stadium.

The recommendations of the plan are strongly enforced, with Brisbane City Council officers issuing $88 on the spot fines for offending motorists and Police issuing notices and towing vehicles that are a hazard or cause a disruption to local traffic.


Patrons are reminded there is no parking in and around Suncorp Stadium on event days and are encouraged to use public transport to events. The free travel offer on Queensland Rail and Brisbane Transport bus services on event days demonstrates the importance given to encouraging patrons to leave the car at home and travel by public transport.

On event days, parking restrictions apply in the local area surrounding the Stadium (1.5km radius from the Stadium). Fifteen minute parking limits generally apply in streets within the Lang Park Traffic Area. There are however specific time regulated parking zones near businesses and restaurants where longer limited parking may occur.

NOTE: On Event Days, between 12 noon and 10pm, where there is a sign, it overrides the traffic area conditions. If for example the sign says 2 hour parking between 7am and 7pm, you can park for up to 2 hours but between 7pm and 10pm, it is only 15 minutes. Also, Council enforcement doesn't not commence until Gates Open time (check the Stadium Event Schedule elsewhere on the website for specific Gates Open times).

To ensure that local residents are not inconvenienced by parking restrictions, Residents Parking Permits or Visitor Parking Permits are issued by the Brisbane City Council. Only local residents can apply for these parking permits. When residents park in a street within the defined Lang Park Traffic Area on event days, they must display the Resident Parking Permit or Visitor Parking Permit in their vehicle. If they don't, the Brisbane City Council can only assume that the vehicle is parked illegally and will be issued with an on-the-spot fine.

Access to businesses located within the Lang Park Traffic Area is maintained on event days. Whilst there may be some short-term inconvenience to some local business activity due to the heavy concentration of buses, coaches and pedestrians at peak times, the Stadium aims to minimise this impact by having all patrons away from the area within one hour of the conclusion of the event.


The Suncorp Stadium Transport Management Plan includes measures to facilitate the safe movement of Stadium patrons to the City, Roma Street Station and Milton Station.

The measures include:

  • Post-event closure to traffic on Caxton Street and part of Petrie Terrace to create a safe pedestrian route from the Northern Plaza to Petrie Terrace and Upper Roma Street.
  • Traffic and pedestrian management measures along Upper Roma Street and Roma Street including post-event closure of Upper Roma Street to general traffic.
  • Restricting southbound traffic exits from Hale Street onto Milton Road post-event to allow an unimpeded route for pedestrians along Milton Road towards Petrie Terrace.
  • Closing Cribb Street to traffic movements at Milton Road post-event to allow an unimpeded route for pedestrians towards Milton Station.
  • Closure of part of Castlemaine Street to through traffic on event days.
  • Creation of temporary coach parking zones in Parkview Street, Mayneview Street and Finchley Street immediately west of the Stadium and in Railway Terrace, Crombie Street and McDougall Street south of Milton Road.
  • Temporary closure to general traffic (local residents and businesses excepted) of the local streets associated with coach parking immediately to the west of the Stadium.
  • Creation of temporary bus parking zones for buses waiting to enter the bus station post-event in Black Street, Granzella Street, Paten Street and along Milton Road (inbound) in the kerbside lane extending back as far as the Park Road intersection.
  • Creation of a temporary disabled parking zone in Cordova Street off Castlemaine Street.
  • Implementation of various temporary "No Standing" restrictions as suitable on Castlemaine Street, Chippendall Street and the eastern end of Heussler Terrace to deter the use of kerbside areas for passenger set-down/pick-up.
  • Creation of a Bus Shuttles Only zone on the southern side of Heussler Terrace between Castlemaine Street and Mayneview Street.
  • Creation of a designated limousine/executive taxi parking area on the eastern kerbs of Parkview and Mayneview Streets. Note that all vehicles must enter via Mayneview Street and exit via Parkview Street onto Heussler Terrace. 
  • Creation of short term bus staging locations on Baroona Road and Haig Road with entry via Torwood Street to assist with egress requirements for patrons departing the venue.

Police are on hand to manage pedestrian, traffic and bus movements at all major intersections and along the pedestrian route to Milton Station.

There are also various initiatives to provide a priority operation for buses between the Stadium and the City post-event. They include a shuttle bus operating between the Stadium and CBD locations and along Milton Road, a temporary bus lane on Upper Roma and Roma Streets, and a diversion of post-event traffic at various locations to alternative routes to enable roadway space to be allocated for pedestrian use and temporary bus lanes.





TMP Levels

Please click the links below to see the various Traffic Management Plans based on predicted crowd size: