Hearing Assistance and Auslan


Hearing Assistance / Audio Loops

Suncorp Stadium has hearing assistance in the form of an audio loop throughout the venue. 

To use the audio loop patrons in the venue will need to:

  1. Connect to the .Suncorp Stadium FREE WiFi network 
  2. Download the Listen Everywhere app
  3. Open the App and connect your hearing device (this may require bluetooth)

If patrons do not have a device, they can request an audio loop device from Stadium Staff at the information desk at either end of the venue. Devices will need to be returned to these Stadium staff when they have finished being used.


Auslan at Suncorp Stadium

At some events like concerts at Suncorp Stadium there will be an Auslan Interpreter. To find out more about booking seats in the Auslan section you can visiting the Auslan Stage Left website here. You contact Suncorp Stadium to see if the event I am going to will have an Auslan Interpreter present.